√99以上 ジェラルディン・バーンシュタイン 190701
Toplist The leaderboard where all anime are listed according to their overall ranks;View the profiles of people named Geraldine Bernstein Join Facebook to connect with Geraldine Bernstein and others you may know Facebook gives peopleGeraldine Bernstein (ジェラルディン・バーンシュタイン) The little sister of Kirara She used to live in Canada and now is living with her sister She sees Kyoro as her "Samurai Master" as he helped her when they first met Voice Actors アニメ Gj部 日常系 美少女満載の作品をhuluで Hulu フールー 配信のおすすめ海外ドラマや映画の感想 ジェラルディン・バーンシュタイン